“At the start of the session, I think I’m doing OK, but the content that is being presented is really challenging me to think in more depth about my leadership, and I can see how I can improve. And I want to improve!”
“Recently, there was pressure to remove a team member due to their struggle with managing output. However, because of what I am learning, I took the time to listen to them, revealing some underlying issues which were able to be addressed. The whole situation has now turned around and has also had a positive impact broadly on the team.”
“I feel I have been able to focus more on solutions rather than worrying about the issues. I’ve also made more time to talk face to face with people rather than just calling, which has provided more buy-in from others when I need it.”
“After doing one of the recent exercises from the program, I found the process, on a very personal level, being way more productive and a huge learning curve for me with the positive outcome being well above my expectations.”
“When I spoke with a leader recently about empathy, it turned into a conversation about leadership in general. They referred to so many topics we are covering in The Leadership Program, and I was really impressed by that. We seem to be using the same language and covering the same key themes that actual leaders in our organisation are talking about.”
“I am really enjoying the course as it is so practical, and we can take things straight into our own situations. My facilitator navigates the online environment really well, and allows for everyone to be heard and participate, creating good space for productive conversations”