
Leadership Program

Feedback from The Leadership Program participants:

Leadership Program Feedback Video 1
Leadership Program Feedback Video 3
Leadership Program Feedback Video 5
Leadership Program Feedback Video 7
Leadership Program Feedback Video 2
Leadership Program Feedback Video 4
Leadership Program Feedback Video 6

Turning technical leaders into people leaders

  • For leaders and aspiring leaders
  • 10 modules delivered in a flexible format designed at a pace that suits your needs
  • The Leadership Intensive – Half Day Choose 1 Module – Full Day Choose any 2 Modules
  • Face to face and online options
  • Groups of 12-15
  • Veriskills accredited program – micro credential attained upon successful completion

Download Prospectus

Helping emerging and established leaders

Our Leadership Program inspires emerging and established leaders to lead others with respect and confidence. This program enables highly skilled team members to complement their knowledge and qualifications with the ability to encourage and manage those around them productively.

Creating leaders worthy of being followed

Throughout the 10 highly interactive sessions, participants will cover 9 Human Capabilities through a variety of teaching, conversations, discussions, and activities. Participants will be asked to complete and submit practical activities and tasks, which will be assessed towards their attainment of a micro credential on successful completion of the program. Employers can nominate participants to complete the program over 6-12 months in groups of 12-15 and enable them to both grow individually as well as a team.

Our Leadership Program is based on the C.O.R.E. elements designed to support established leaders and emerging talent in the dynamics of Character, Ownership, Relationships and Expectations.


The people we serve

  • New leaders, supervisors or managers
  • Technically highly skilled people who have not been formally trained in human capabilities
  • Established leaders looking to futureproof their position by keeping up with an ever-changing environment
  • Leaders looking for ideas to improve their people management skills
  • Leaders who want to lead well both at work and in their personal lives
  • Future leaders, identified as potential managers or supervisors, who are not currently in a leadership role


The problems we solve

  • Teams struggling to attract or retain talent
  • Having the tough conversations around performance that are being avoided
  • Leaders who are not performance-managing their team
  • Leaders who do not know their blind spots and the subconscious bias that this creates
  • Increased awareness of mental health impacts triggered by poor leadership
  • Leadership styles that create friction with clients and/or customers
“At the start of the session, I think I’m doing OK, but the content that is being presented is really challenging me to think in more depth about my leadership, and I can see how I can improve. And I want to improve!”
“Recently, there was pressure to remove a team member due to their struggle with managing output. However, because of what I am learning, I took the time to listen to them, revealing some underlying issues which were able to be addressed. The whole situation has now turned around and has also had a positive impact broadly on the team.”
“I feel I have been able to focus more on solutions rather than worrying about the issues. I’ve also made more time to talk face to face with people rather than just calling, which has provided more buy-in from others when I need it.”
“After doing one of the recent exercises from the program, I found the process, on a very personal level, being way more productive and a huge learning curve for me with the positive outcome being well above my expectations.”
“When I spoke with a leader recently about empathy, it turned into a conversation about leadership in general. They referred to so many topics we are covering in The Leadership Program, and I was really impressed by that. We seem to be using the same language and covering the same key themes that actual leaders in our organisation are talking about.”
“I am really enjoying the course as it is so practical, and we can take things straight into our own situations. My facilitator navigates the online environment really well, and allows for everyone to be heard and participate, creating good space for productive conversations”

Our Leadership Program Levels 2 & 3 are now verified by Veriskills®.

Leveraging 40 years of experience in the assessment of formal and experiential learning, QTAC developed the VeriSkills® Human Capability Framework (five-level standard) to verify soft skills against a verified framework of abilities.

Human Capabilities are not tied to technical competence and are what sets humans apart in this growing world of automation. VeriSkills® is the proprietary process that verifies programs against the framework to determine the human capability outcomes and their corresponding level of achievement attained on the completion of various programs.

The Human Capability outcomes you will be awarded on completion of our program are as follows:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Adaptive Mindset
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Initiative and Drive
  • Cultural Awareness
  • Empathy
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Problem Solving

Click here to learn more about Veriskills®, and the Human Capability Framework.

For more information about The Leadership Program, fill in your email below and one of our team will be in contact soon…