Rhett Morris

Rhett Morris works with individuals and organisations to help them engineer the behaviour required to perform under pressure.

Rhett founded Bulletproof Performance in 2009, after seeing the need for teams and individuals to perform effectively under pressure in both their personal and professional lives. What sets Rhett apart is his unique ability to assist people in making the connection between their personal and professional wellbeing and how this impacts their ability to perform under pressure.

Rhett is a thought-leader in the resilience and performance space. He is known for his unique and determined ability to ask the hard questions. Rhett is often described as dynamic, passionate and engaging, with the ability to connect with people from all walks of life and at every level of an organisation.

With a keen interest in endurance and resilience, Rhett believes his purpose is to support teams and individuals on their journey towards high performance in a healthy and sustainable manner.


Performance Facilitator

Rhett facilitates a range of training programs which can be customised for your organisation’s goals and objectives. Program topics include, resilience, performance, communication, energy, purpose, and leadership.

Executive Coach

Every leader needs support to engineer the behaviours required to execute high performance. Rhett works with leaders, from all walks of life, to help them identify areas of improvement and develop essential skills and strategies to take their performance to the next level.

Keynote Speaker

Rhett is a dynamic yet thoughtful speaker and presenter. He has no interest in ‘hyping up’ an audience or delivering some ‘feel good’ message. Instead, he helps his audience to think deeply about real issues while providing practical ways to manage change and challenge. For over 10 years he has delivered his message to audiences of 50 to 1,500.

Rhett is a media commentator. He features in many publications and delivers interviews and keynotes throughout Australasia. He is able to comment on current research, insights and trends relating to resilience, endurance, purpose, performing under pressure, leadership and workplace communication.


Rhett has worked with thousands of teams across a variety of sectors throughout Australasia from rocket scientists and construction workers, to accountants and retail teams and everyone in between. With keynote presentations through to fully customised programs, Rhett can help you and your team to engineer the behaviours you require to perform under pressure.

Rhett is married with five children. He enjoys training for and competing in Ironman racing, and resides in Brisbane, Australia.